
Jen Niccole Azores

Web Developer

Hello, World! I’m Jen, your dedicated WordPress developer specializing in Elementor. With a knack for quick learning and exceptional communication skills, I bring a seamless blend of efficiency, precision and care to every project.

Disclaimer: This website is built fully using only the free version of Elementor.

Technologies used





Orlando, FL
WordPress Specialist / Web Developer
May 2021 – Present

Graphics by Hurricane
Reel Tuff Cornhole

Dawsonville, GA
Web Developer
June 2022 – July 2022

Companies i have worked with


Online Freelancer / Virtual Assistant
Web Developer
2016 – Present


Mondriaan Aura College

Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines
Bachelor of Arts Major in Mass Communication
2011 – 2015


Harvard CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

  • Learned how to write code fundamentally using programming languages with emphasis on correctness, design, and style.
  • Gained general knowledge about Computer Science – how computers work underneath the hood – binary, memory and all.
  • Learned about computational thinking, abstraction, algorithms, data structures, functions, variables, conditionals, loops, and more.

Udemy: Web Development Bootcamp by Colt Steele

  • Studied the ins and outs of HTML5, CSS3, and Modern JavaScript.
  • Created static HTML and CSS portfolio sites and landing pages and complex HTML forms with validations.
  • Learned about CSS Frameworks such as Bootstrap.
  • Acquired proficiency in JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects.
  • Manipulate the DOM with vanilla JS.

React Tutorial for Beginners by Mosh Hamedani​

  • Learned the fundamentals of React, including setting up the development environment and creating a React app.
  • Explored project structure, creating components, and understanding how React works.
  • Covered the React ecosystem, building components, creating a ListGroup component, using fragments, rendering lists, and conditional rendering.


Under the Sea Game

This is a game I made using Scratch for the Harvard CS50 Problem Set 0: Scratch Project. This assignment challenged me to create an interactive project incorporating various elements such as sprites, scripts, conditions, loops, variables, and sound.

I chose to develop an obstacle game using existing Scratch sprites featuring a mermaid navigating through obstacles while the song Under the Sea plays. The objective is to avoid obstacles for as long as possible, with the score based on elapsed time in seconds.

As of 2024, nobody has completed the game yet, adding to its challenge and intrigue.

The Great RGB Guessing Game

This is a simple and responsive web browser color guessing game written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which I learned from the Udemy course  Web Development Bootcamp by Colt Steele in 2020. Random numbers from 0 to 255 are generated for the RGB values. The game starts with six random colors, and the squares fade as you choose the wrong answer. All six squares reappear once you guess the correct color.

Snake Game

This is a game I made using Scratch for the Harvard CS50 Problem Set 0: Scratch Project. This assignment challenged me to create an interactive project incorporating various elements such as sprites, scripts, conditions, loops, variables, and sound.

I chose to develop an obstacle game using existing Scratch sprites featuring a mermaid navigating through obstacles while the song Under the Sea plays. The objective is to avoid obstacles for as long as possible, with the score based on elapsed time in seconds.

As of 2024, nobody has completed the game yet, adding to its challenge and intrigue.
